What is Amazon Light Sail?

Amazon Light sail is a service of cloud which offers the IT Developers the networking capacity, storage capacity and effectiveness to deploy and manage databases, websites and web applications in Cloud. It helps to launch the project immediately with the help of Virtual Machines, SSD Based Storage Data, Management of DNS which also involves a Static IP with a low, expected price per month.

User also scale out their websites over the time and make improve its availability as well its excess through adding another Light Sail resources, such as attaching block storages, managed databases, load balancers as per need. Therefore, it is right to say that the Amazon Light sail is the smooth way for starting with AWS.

  • Use of Amazon Light Sail

Now the most raising question comes in the mind of user that what can we do with Light Sail, yes here the response is – Anyone can easily create websites with preconfigured virtual private servers (instances) that include everything that facilitates the implementation and administration of your application, or create databases.

It is excellent for those projects which demands a few dozens of instances or less, and developers who prefer a simple administration interface. It has mainly uses of Light Sail include running websites, web applications, business software, blogs, e-commerce sites and more. As your project progresses, you can use load balancers and block storage attachments with your instance to increase redundancy and availability, and access dozens of other AWS services to add new features.

  • How Anyone Can Login to Light Sail

It is easy to install and signup for Light Sail, where you just need to click at Get Started and Login, where users have to use Amazon web Service account for accessing. And if user does not have account on AWS then this is must to create.

Talking about the limits of Light sail availability then, any user can create easily up to 20 Light Sail quickly with 5 static IP addresses, 3 DNS zones, 20 TB attached block storage, 40 databases and 5 load balancers available in a Light Sail account. You can also generate up to 20 certificates in each calendar year. If you need to increase your account limit for instances, static IP addresses, mass storage or certificates in your account, open a customer service account.

In short, go for Light Sail instances to store the business data, run your code and create applications. Your instances can connect to each other and to other AWS resources through Internet and private (VPC) networks. You can easily create, manage and connect to instances directly from your Light Sail console.

Light Sail Instance Workloads not use the entire processor often, but sometimes they require a performance explosion. Light Sail uses trusting performance instances that provide a basic level of processor performance with the additional ability to excel above the base. This design allows you to get the performance you need, when you need it, while protecting you from variable performance or other common side effects that you may encounter when you over-subscribe to other environments.

For more detailed information, refer to our video on Amazon Light sail on our You Tube Channel.