How to Install ARK Survival Evolved on CentOS 7 - Onlive Server

In this video tutorial learn How to install/Setup Ark Survival Evolved on CentOS 7. ARK Survival Evolved is one of most popular action gaming site that has amazing features survival-themed crafting, combat, and most notably. Ark Survival Evolved must be played using specific servers.

Get ARK Survival Configuration on CentOS 7 Step By Step:

1. yum update -y

2. adduser arkserver

3. passwd arkserver

4. iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp –sport 27015 –dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPT

5. iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp –sport 7777 –dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPT

6. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –sport 32330 –dport 1025:65355 -j ACCEPT

7. service iptables save

###Run the following command to install the libraries required for SteamCMD:
8. yum install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686 ncurses-libs.i686 -y

##SteamCMD needs a few changes to sysctl.conf to run properly. This command will update the max files open:
9. echo “fs.file-max=100000” >> /etc/sysctl.conf
10. sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

11. We’ll input information into our limits.conf file with this command:
echo -e “ soft nofile 1000000\n hard nofile 1000000” >> /etc/security/limits.conf

12. Switch to arkserver user
su – arkserver
cd ~
##Download SteamCMD and essential software
13. yum install nano wget screen -y
14. wget
tar xf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

#we will launch and update SteamCMD. App 376030 is Ark Survival Evolved Dedicated Server and it will be installed in
the /ark directory:
15. ./ +login anonymous +force_install_dir ./ark +app_update 376030 validate +quit

#The screen will display ” Success! App ‘376030’ fully installed.” upon completion.

##Create a file called updatearkserver and open it in the vi text editor:
16. vi /home/arkserver/updatearkserver

login anonymous
force_install_dir ./ark
app_update 376030

##Now when you want to update your server, simply run:
17. ./ +runscript updatearkserver

## Create a file called in the vi text editor:
18. vi /home/arkserver/ark/



screen -dmS ark ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer TheIsland?listen?Multihome=$?MaxPlayers=$?QueryPort=$?RCONPort=$?Port=$?ServerAdminPassword=$ -server -log

19. chmod +x /home/arkserver/ark/
20. sh /home/arkserver/ark/

#To quit the server, execute:
21. screen -S ark -X quit
//Note:- Now, you can connect to your Ark: Survival Evolved game server.
Open Steam > click View > Server > and add your server to the Favourites list.
Once you open the game, click Join Ark and your server will get connected.