Cheap VPS Hosting

Cheap VPS Server Hosting Provider Company

With our cheap VPS server hosting, we offer plenty of benefits over other hosting services to the reliability, security and performance. With the evolution of the internet and advanced technology, Web hosting is no more a tough task. A number of web owners are choosing VPS hosting which is quicker and safer than shared hosting, to grow their online presence.
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VPS Hosting Services Provider - Onlive Server

The key advantage of our VPS server hosting is that it is reliable cost-effective and gives great freedom to customers to manage their web portals. We give full root access to your private servers, just like with dedicated servers. Though, technically, you lie on the same physical machine sharing its RAM, CPU, RAM, bandwidth, and disk storage. Virtual Private Server hosting provides full control on your server, sharing almost the same advantages of a dedicated one.

Individual ownership with security

We deliver dedicated VPS server hosting with root access by which you can directly access your server. VPS hosting is safer than shared hosting. As it tucked away from others through high-end virtualization techniques. It provides you the freedom of owning a server machine, like a dedicated server, but at a lesser price. It also gives you the liberty to choose your operating system that supports your mission-critical applications.

Cost Effectiveness VPS Server Hosting Price

Onlive Server offers an economical solution for small, medium and large businesses. Our VPS server hosting price is affordable and allows users to enjoy features of dedicated hosting with a cost less than shared hosting.

Customization and Scalability

VPS hosting is highly scalable and customizable. Data is hosted on reliable servers. VPS hosting servers, as and whenever needed, can scaled up and down. The activities of other VPS clients of other VPS customers will not create any trouble in your operations, as you get personal space to work around.

Round-the-clock tech support

With the best VPS server hosting plan, we also deliver round the clock technical assistance to our customers. You can reach us 24*7 via telephone or email. Additionally, VPS software and hardware are overseen by highly-skilled experts, who can tirelessly resolve any potential issue.