Average size of DDoS attacks has ratcheted up

This is increasingly a problem; more frequent and larger DDoS attacks are happening. In 2023, DDoS attacks more than doubled, increasing by around 112%. There are numerous concerns for network security regarding this. Consequently, this increase in DDoS attacks clearly demonstrates the urgent need to prepare for larger and more intelligent attacks. Such attacks can be quite damaging to the operations and digital assets of a business. So, it’s important to have good defenses against those attacks. DDoS attacks are really not good for businesses. You must know about the most recent trends and facts. DDoS Attack Size Increased 233.33% in 2024 They now use 5.17 gigabytes per second (Gbps) on average. Therefore, this clearly shows that we need powerful and growing technology to ensure that our networks remain secure.

Key Takeaways

  • DDoS attacks growing in both frequency and scale, with 2,200 attacks per hour between Q1 and Q3 2024.
  • In 2024, this trend surged by 233.33% of the average attack size, introducing a new level of network threat.
  • As a result, DDoS attacks can have disastrous consequences for businesses, with 73% of the organizations surveyed reporting that they have been victims of such attacks.
  • Mitigating strategies prevent DDoS when implementing cybersecurity threats and solutions are the lifeblood of the business professionals.
  • Hence companies and organizations need to be updated with the latest trends in DDoS attacks and their statistics to be prepared enough to mitigate these kinds of cyber threats for them.
  • By understanding the motivation behind these attacks like financial incentives, ideology or competition for business, examining the reasons for DDoS attacks can prove crucial.

Modern Cybersecurity and the Evolution of DDoS Attacks

Over the last decade, the landscape of cyber security has changed drastically. Moreover, DDoS attacks have become increasingly sophisticated. As a result, they now pose a major threat to firms across the globe.

A Brief History of DDoS Threats

DDoS attacks were easy to conduct at the beginning. In the past, they simply overwhelmed a server with excessive requests. However, as hackers improved their craft, they increasingly relied on botnets and higher volume of traffic. This was a huge leap in the history of cybersecurity.

Current Attack Volume Trends

DDoS attacks have exploded in the last decade — a whopping 807% increase from 2013 to 2022. That was 233.33% larger than the 2024 attacks. The attack trends are getting worse, this reflects that.

Modern DDoS Attacks: How Big Are They?

The size of DDoS attacks has increased significantly, and they are a serious threat to network security at present. Recent attacks have seen requests peak above 71 million requests per second. This clearly demonstrates how sophisticated and malicious these attacks have become. These attacks create huge network traffic that saturates regular defenses. This approach consumes the majority of the available bandwidth. To illustrate, the largest DDoS attack reached 700 Gbps, a 30.92% increase over 2023. These mega dose attacks exert tremendous pressure on network infrastructure. It covers all the way from enterprise servers to cloud-based offerings. A lot of conventional methods of combating these attacks simply don’t work. As a result, they struggle to keep track of the high bandwidth usage and sudden traffic spikes.

So what makes these attacks so big? Key factors include:

Traffic Volume The number of requests per second can overwhelm network resources.

  • Bandwidth Usage: Consequently, high data transfer rates can quickly deplete available bandwidth, resulting in network congestion.
  • Request Rates: Similarly, a sudden spike in request rates can lead to unexpected performance issues.

As DDoS attacks continue to grow in scale, companies must strengthen their defenses accordingly. To do so, however, they have to implement advanced means of protection against these types of potent threats.

Why Are DDoS Attacks Getting Bigger and Bigger?

DDoS Attacks are Scaling Up Due to Several Key Factors These elements combine to make the attacks more potent. To protect from these threats, it is important to understand them.

DDoS Amplification Techniques

This is DDoS Amplification and it makes attacks much harder to stop. Amplification techniques such as DNS and NTP use public servers to amplify attack traffic. That makes it difficult for defenses to catch up. These approaches can transmit more than 3 terabits of data per second. That’s a lot of information to process for any system.

Effect of Escalating Attack Sizes on Business Operations

DDoS attacks are becoming larger and more complex. They are all a real headache for businesses. It’s not just about disruption of services, the impact of DDoS on business is much bigger than that. It has implications across different aspects of running a business.

Right away, you see:

  • Operations disruption: Critical services break, freezing business.
  • Poor user experience: Speed & Uptime issues | Bad experience for users.

Volumetric Attacks

Volumetric attacks overwhelm networks by sending them massive amounts of traffic. This type of attack also grew in Q1 2024 over HTTP DDoS, specifically by 93%.

  • Usage: High traffic volume, bandwidth capacity attack
  • Techniques: DNS amplification, UDP floods
  • Effect: Network congestion, service outages

Protocol Attacks

Protocol-based attacks are network-based; The threat is growing — in Q1 2023, these attacks rose by 28%.

  • Type: Protocol Exploits, Server Resource Targeting
  • Techniques: SYN flood, Ping of Death
  • Impact: System overload, compromised communication

DDoS attacks on the application layer target particular services or applications. And they are difficult to identify and prevent. Such attacks are directed at the top OSI layer and are designed to disrupt user interactions.

Monitoring and Measuring DDoS Attack Volumes

Accurate DDoS metrics form the basis of a solid defense. It’s about recognizing various signals to identify and react to bad traffic. The average DDoS attack size is 5.17 Gbps. It attacks its targets using 3-5 nodes on various networks.

The important components of traffic analysis are:

  • Bandwidth: It is the amount of data being sent throughout an attack.
  • Packet Rates: It counts packets per second to measure how fast the attack is.
  • Connection Requests: It monitors new connections to identify overwhelming attempts.

The real-time monitoring of tools continuously supervises things. They help to identify anomalies immediately. In addition, analyzing previous trends assists to forecast and prevent attacks. Detection is faster and more accurate with use of advanced analytics and machine learning. Ultimately, ensuring networks remain safe and secure is essential.

Key Infrastructure Facts for DDoS Prevention

For this, you need a robust infrastructure to safeguard your network from such attacks or to initiate DDoS protection. This approach includes healthy network architecture, along with robust security hardware and reliable software.

DDoS Resilient Hosting Solutions

CDNs play an essential role in strengthening CDN security. Instead, they distribute traffic among many servers. Not only does this increase load times, but it also lessens the impact of large attacks. Leading providers include Cloud flare, Akamai, and Amazon Web Services, all of which offer robust CDN security features. To achieve better protection, many companies, therefore, prefer hybrid solutions. Moreover, these combine on-premises defenses with cloud services. As a result, this combination provides solid protection and adaptability for novel attack vectors.

When selecting a hosting solution, consider your business requirements, risk factor, and budget. Furthermore, other key factors include scale, speed of action, and compatibility with your existing setup. Here’s a breakdown of the primary hosting options and their advantages:

Requirements Related to Initial Investment

But the steps to secure a DDoS protection begin with buying a specific hardware and software. You also must subscribe to full-service plans. Additionally, these fees account for preparing your system comprehensively to confront threats.

Ongoing Operational Costs

Maintaining effective DDoS protections require constant monitoring, updates, and expertise. Thus, these expenses are necessary to maintain your defenses against emerging threats.


Businesses must simply be prepared for cybersecurity threats. Therefore, the adoption of future-proof security measures can effectively help counter these threats. Companies must prepare for this and continue monitoring their systems. AI can also lead to faster and more accurate responses to an ongoing DDoS attack. Emerging technologies like quantum computing present both threats and opportunities for advancements in cyber security. To adapt to these changes, companies have to invest in dynamic security solutions. In addition, predictive threat intelligence can be used so you can identify threats before they occur and prevent them. Preparing for cybersecurity threats is more than just securing an asset. It also helps maintain trust and credibility of the customer. Consequently, ensuring you stay updated and ready for the evolving DDoS threat is critical.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. DDoS attacks aim to deny a server or network access through excessive traffic. They unleash a botnet, a network of many devices, on the system. That makes the system difficult to serve normal flow.

Ans. As time went on, DDoS attacks became more sophisticated and powerful. The first attacks were pretty primitive, attempts to saturate the bandwidth. Today, they employ new techniques such as amplification and target IoT devices. It makes attacks more destructive and damaging.”

Ans. DDoS attacks can be classified into many types. Volumetric attacks attempt to exhaust all the bandwidth. There are some attacks at the protocol layer which are based on weaknesses in the protocol at the network level. Specific applications are targeted in application layer attacks. Hybrid attacks are a combination of these methods.

Ans. There are several reasons why DDoS attacks are growing in size. They are also amplified by vulnerable IoT devices and amplification techniques to make them more impactful. Worse still, more sophisticated botnets are increasingly being deployed, allowing attacks to be more effective.

Ans. DDoS attacks of large scale can greatly damage businesses. They can lead to service outages and reputational damage for a company. All of which results in lost capital, damaging the company’s prospects.

Ans. DDoS attacks are tracked by businesses by the amount of traffic and the packet rate. Identifying Attacks by Means of Real-Time Monitoring and Historical Data Machine learning, advanced analytics improve both speed and accuracy of detection.

Ans. This requires a strong infrastructure, with good DDoS protection. All of this is with enough bandwidth and traffic distribution. Hardware, such as DDoS mitigation appliances and high-performance routers, plays an important role. So are software tools like traffic analysis and anomaly detection systems. A flexible method of protection is a layered defense.

Ans. Strong DDoS protection requires an upfront and ongoing cost. The figure consists of hardware, software and service costs. What one needs to weigh is the ROI and ask yourself if that investment is worth it. Not safeguarding against DDoS can prove way more costly in terms of lost revenue, and loss of reputation.