SSL Certification
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and is essential for the security of your website because it allows a secure connection between your server and a browser. SSL is necessary for the secure transmission of information between your website and your customer. Google now reports all websites, not just e-commerce sites even all types of websites that do not have SSL certificates. Onlive Server offers accessible SSL certification and free SSL Certificates with dedicated server and VPS hosting packages.
- Domain secured
- Domain validation
- Both &
- No Greenbar in browser
- Mobile Support
- No paperwork required
- 02 Days refund period
- Free Installation
- Fully Managed Support
- Domain secured
- Domain validation
- Both &
- No Greenbar in browser
- Mobile Support
- No paperwork required
- 07 Days refund period
- Free Installation
- Fully Managed Support
- Domain secured
- Domain validation
- Both &
- Greenbar in browser
- Mobile Support
- No paperwork required
- 07 Days refund period
- Free Installation
- Fully Managed Support

If you do not pay the attention to the security of your website, then it’s very risky for your website because its website is now hacked by hackers.
Here are the main reasons why an SSL certificate is important for your professional website:

The main purpose of secure SSL certificates
Can I trust this site? Is there a type of security certificate? Remember, trust is necessary in selling. The advantage of an online business is its accessibility to all customers around the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, as well as less expensive maintenance and operation.
The validity of the company and the quality of its products so as not to see it personally. Customers may be wary of providing monetary information due to the alarming number of identity theft cases and credit card fraud. The good news is that there is a very simple way to eliminate these security threats, which will increase the conversion rate.
Free SSL Certificates
Becoming a better online business means gaining trust. The reality is that you risk losing an expected sale in moments if the consumer believes that the website is not secure and cannot be considered reliable. Secure Sockets Layer or SSL was created to defend commercial and personal information transactions on the Web.
As a result, Onlive Server now delivering Free SSL Certificates have become essential for all types of sites because they provide clear evidence and a passport to prove that the online activity is legitimate and that highly sensitive information is protected by hackers. or any unauthorized use. Security certificates managed by certification and security.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology provides advanced protection for HTTP packages when you carry them on the Web. The most crucial action you could take is to use a strong enough password for the site. The main purpose of secure SSL certificates is online security and secure data transfer over the Internet. A reliable central administrative that issues secure SSL certificate to users.
Overall, the use of SSL certificate guaranteed by Onlive Server is a win-win situation for sellers and buyers. This will give the consumer the peace of mind that the operations will be safe.

SSL Certificates and FAQs Regarding the Same
SSL certificates are bits of codes on web servers. They offer comprehensive security for all web-based communications. These certificates enable encrypted connections when web browser contact secured websites. The certificates work like sealing letters in enveloped before sending them through mail. Some of the most common questions asked about SSL certificates are as follows:
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