Despite its being a little expensive in comparison, many webmasters prefer to host their websites on Dedicated Hosting. Shifting to such UK Dedicated Server hosting is determined by a few factors that influence the process of selection quite significantly. Dedicated Hosting could prove to be expensive in comparison to hosting otherwise. Expenses could be even greater when the hosting belongs to the webmaster. Yet a majority of webmasters prefer the process since the end benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.
Even with optimized management, shared web hosting may not be 100% secure or dependable. Variables that upset the dependability, as well as the strength of the server, can easily be dispensed with UK Dedicated hosting. Bad codes and complicated scripts from other clients are one of the syndromes of the difficulties experienced with the shared hosting process. The habit of some of the users uploading a host of applications and components on your site could further aggravate the situation.
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Cheap Windows Dedicated Hosting Features
Software and applications that the client wishes to utilize are all that is loaded in the Windows Dedicated hosting. In sharp contrast, software and applications are uploaded by other users in the shared hosting process. Reducing the reliance on the web host and effecting time and cost economy, a dedicated server can provide immediate support to the clients when required. Consistency and quick support that is essential for the growth of any online business are both available with the Cheap Windows Dedicated hosting.
Cheap Windows Dedicated Hosting Advantages
Apart from the general time and cost economy that the UK Dedicated hosting accomplishes, it could be very useful for web designers and graphic designers. Additional revenue values are often accrued with the Windows Dedicated hosting and at the same time, it becomes easier for the administrator to change or update the website of any customer within moments. Offline customers will normally bring the web work alongside to the parent website.
Shared and Cheap Windows Dedicated Hosting Trade-Off
Download time is extremely important for retaining the customers to any site. Break down of the site is another feature that tends to drive away from the viewers from a site. On both counts, Windows Dedicated Server hosting scores heavily over the shared server and the tradeoff seems to be quite beneficial for one opting for Dedicated instead of a shared server. For a clear appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages of shared hosting and Cheap Dedicated Server hosting one can log on to Onlive Server. The website provides comprehensive guidance on web hosting and related issues with tutorials and guides.
Cheap Windows Dedicated Server hosting – Server Management
Well, saying about managed services on UK Dedicated Server hosting, the server management services differs from provider to provider and their terms. There is no standard set for defining the role of Windows Dedicated hosting providers. Some of the website hosting providers offer a fully managed Cheap Dedicated hosting as owning a web-based control panel while some state that they have full professional system engineers available to provide round the clock server management support.
Which are the services one should look for in server management?
* Antivirus Updates
* Firewall Services
* OS updates
* Application/Program updates
* Software/Application Installation and Configuration
* Regular Server Monitoring
* Application/Program Monitoring
* Load Balancing
* Security Audits
* DNS Services
* Restoration and Backup
* Database Administration
* DDoS Protection
* Intrusion Detection
* User Management
Before, choosing a Cheap Dedicated Server hosting you should make sure the service provider offers you the above server-side services. The server-side means these services are only accessible to the Cheap Windows Dedicated hosting providers. It doesn’t mean that a server owner won’t get any access, they get access to many other services such as root or remote access to the Cheap Windows Dedicated Server hosting.
Terminologies defined in Server Management:
Hosting providers use a few terminologies depending on the level of service they offer. Let us see what they are.
Fully Managed – It is high-level server management which includes monitoring, software updates, reboots, security patches, and operating system (os) upgrades. Clients are completely free from these headaches and can focus on their core business.
Managed – It is a medium level of management service that includes monitoring, updates, and a limited amount of customer and tech support. On managed hosting, clients can carry out limited tasks.
Self-Managed – In this kind of service, as you lease your own server you may need to have some technical knowledge with web Server, to perform your own management and administrative tasks. In case, if you don’t have any technical knowledge, hire a technical expert who can handle your server management tasks.
Un-managed – In this service, the Cheap Windows Dedicated Server hosting provider offers you only the Network Connection and required resources according to the package. It is the client’s responsibility to handle all the server maintenance, upgrades, patches, and security.
Even if your business expands, Cheap Windows Dedicated hosting can offer great support to your business. You can have multiple options to choose between Windows Dedicated Server hosting. If your ecommerce website involves financial transactions, dedicated hosting is just the right choice for you. Since you are the only person using the server, the chances of data loss and data thefts get reduced to a large extent. An SSL Certificate with these Servers can be an added advantage to online financial security.
Take your own time to go through these services and decide which Cheap Windows Dedicated Server hosting service is better for your business.