Cheap Web Hosting Services
Before detailed information about our Web Hosting Services let we introduce you the type of operating systems which we generally provide you. Sometimes we become we confused whenever we have lots of choices and want to choose the best one. There are lots of operating systems which can be used for the hosting of the website. Generally, we provide you Linux and Windows based operating system Web Hosting. Now let us see the benefits of the different type of operating system which we are going to choose.
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Fedora is a Linux-based operating system which is generally used for the professional purpose. It is enriched with lots of features which we desire to host our website. so if you are going to choose Linux-based operating system then it will be the best option for you.
Ubuntu, it is a Linux based operating system as well it is more demanding. If you are in search of sometimes free then it will be the best option for you. It can be easily used in other devices like servers as well smart phones. Being a Linux-based operating system; it is totally different from Microsoft in terms of features and design. As well it is an open source so it can be used freely without any foundation. The latest version of Ubuntu is 16.04 Xenial Xerus which hold lots of advance features and compatible with wide services.
Linux Mint
Linux Mint is a Linux-based operating system. This OS brings fast Web Hosting. It’s also a free and open source that is broadly used by the customer as well driven by Linux distribution. The latest version of Linux Mint is 18.1, codename “Serena” and it is totally free. it provides you better customization feature and ability to your work. It supports free & open source applications, multimedia support and performance boots. Apart from these, you can choose Mac OS X or macOS, Chrome OS, Remix OS, Kubuntu etc.