To set up multiple RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) sessions on a Windows Server, you need to configure the server for concurrent user connections. Here are the steps:

1. Check Windows Server Version

Make sure you’re working with a version of Windows Server that allows multiple connections through RDP. Versions of Windows Server such as Standard, Datacentre, and Web allow multiple RDP connections, but Windows Server Essentials or Windows Server Foundation will usually only allow you one RDP connection at a time.

2. Turn on Remote Desktop on the ServerOpen the Server Manager.

  • Open Server Manager.
  • Click Local Server in the left pane.
  • Find the Remote Desktop setting in the right pane, and click Disabled.
  • Select Allow remote connections to this computer.

3. Enable Remote Desktop Services (RDS) Role (for Multiple RDP)

  • Open the gpedit.msc
  • Navigate to Administrator > Windows
  • In the wizard, select Remote Desktop Services.
  • Select Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH).
  • Click on connection > Restrict Remote Desktop Services
Derestrict Multiple RDP
  • Then remove the restriction.
  • Click on edit option and disable restriction.
  • After Disabling the restriction
  • Edit the limit number of Connection
Bypass Multiple RDP session limit
  • Click on Enabled option and allow number of connections 99999

4. Create users and Add Multiple RDP users

  • Search Add, edit or remove other users
  • Click Add someone else to this PC.
  • Go to user > New User
Users for Multiple RDP
  • Now you can Create New Users.
  • Uncheck the change password option.
  • Go to the Remote access option.
Multiple RDP
  • Click on Select users.

5. Allow Remote Desktop Permissions to configure Multiple RDP

  • Add users to enable RDP connection.
  • Two users are available at a time but not multiple RDP, to avoid it proceed with next steps.
6. Install remote desktop services and features.
  • Open Server manager
  • Click on Add role and features.
  • Select Web Server and Remote Desktop Service
  • Select on All four role services provided below in image.
  • Enable the restart option prior to installation.

Conclusion about Multiple RDP

In summary, now you can have more than two users connected via RDP at the same point in time. By taking these actions, the server may be used by several people at once, creating a productive and adaptable remote working environment. These configurations guarantee that everyone may use the server without any issues, whether you are in charge of a small group of people or a whole company. Don’t forget to verify that secure connections are enabled by looking at the network settings and license conditions. If your server is set up properly, it can support many remote desktop sessions.