Onlive Server offers you South Korea VPS hosting server with lots of hosting features which you need for your hosting website and at an affordable price. Due to its affordable price any business class can take the advantage of it as well start their small business. Our main focus remains on the quality of server so for the sake of this we added lots of quality and advanced features in our hosting server which will make your web hosting easy and comfortable. Our hosting server can be used for your may purpose like in your special projects, development of site or software, remote file storage, data backups, in gaming server and for your many purposes.
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Plans of our South Korea VPS
For making your web hosting easy and comfortable we offer you lots of South Korea VPS hosting plans which are fully managed and customizable in the feature. Now you can choose the hosting plans according to your business need.
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Fully managed South Korea Server VPS Hosting Server Plans
Plan Name: South Korea Server
Core: up to 4 Core
Memory: up to 16 GB RAM
Storage: up to 300 GB HDD
Control Panel: WHM/Cpanel
IPv4: up to 2 IPv4 Address
Bandwidth: 2 TB bandwidth with 100 Mbps
Data Center Location: Seoul, South Korea
Data center facility
Our cheap dedicated server hosting plan is suitable for your online business and we are located in nearby you in South Korea so due to a nearer data center, you will get more up to 99.99% network uptime guarantee from us. For our customer facility, we provide our own data center in approx 30 plus countries. Now, these days we usually face network uptime issues so due to nearer data center you will not face these types of problems. For security purpose of your server, we provide firewall protection which protects your server from malicious software like viruses, worms, Trojan horses and from other malicious programs which will make harm to your server. It also protects your server from unauthorized login.